Performance Art/Credits.
"Paisley X performed at our Anniversary Summer Ball. With 500 guests in fancy dress, and a hundred year tradition of wild and creative partying, we can be a tough crowd to impress but Paisley managed it with ease. She was a pleasure to work with, and her act was very strong indeed; composed, powerful, sexy - elegantly very raunchy, and funny too." - Geoffrey Matthews, Secretary and CEO, Chelsea Arts Club, London.
By combining the elements of Erotica, Drama and Circus Skills with over 10 years experience as an Erotic Artiste and Model, Paisley produces highly unique and visually powerful performances.
Being an all round entertainer as well as prolific impromptu performer, Paisley is able to cater for a wide variety of audiences and events. Some examples of the type of shows she does are; Neo-burlesque; Bizarre Cabaret/Specialty Act; Underground Top Class Fetish/Erotica Shows for Gentlemen Only Audiences; Performance Poetry; Solo Circus Acts and Unique Variety Acts from small impromptu performances through to fully choreographed stage shows for large audiences.

Herewith a list of some of the venues and events where Paisley has performed:
The Chelsea Arts Club. A 12 minute cabaret show accompanied by live pianist Baz Booth at the Cabaret Night. 2020.
The Box Soho. Private Showcase at Cabaret Club, 'The Box' in Soho, London. "That was truly awesome!" - The Manager of The Box. 2019.
The Whitstable Theatre. Private 11 min solo Circus Cabaret titled "Bicycle!" for high profile audience. 2018.
The Erotic Performance Artist of the Year Award - London. A 9 min Solo Alternative Cabaret. 2017.
Chelsea Arts Club Cabaret Night. 7 min Alternative Circus/Burlesque Variety Act. "A great success ... you are a star!" - Chelsea Arts Club Member, London. 2017.
Britain's Got Talent. A short version of neo-burlesque act 'On my Bike' involving a striptease to bikini, in 4 inch platform boots, whilst cracking a 7 foot bullwhip; for 3000 people, television cameras as well as celebrity judges. "I loved that ... I have never seen anyone do that on a tall unicycle, you have a fantastic body!" - Amanda Holden. 2017.
The Palladium Theatre, London. Paisley performs with T.V. Celebrities Ant & Dec in Britain's Got Talent, 2017. A circus/burlesque stage show performance joined by Ant & Dec for an audience of 3000 people including celebrity judges and Thames TV.
Excel, London. Paisley performed a new version of her Unicycle burlesque show. 2016.
Paisley performs around Parliament Square on her 7 foot uni-cycle for Thames T.V. whilst talking to Simon Cowell. 2016.
'Studio 54' in Shepherd Market, London. Paisley performs a 17 minute version of her Monologue Performance Art Piece titled 'Your Artist Muse'. 2016.
Kino Russian Theatre. Three performances as a Showcase Presentation. 2016.
Chelsea Arts Club Summer Ball. Paisley X performs a 14min updated version of her Solo Alternative Cabaret Performance 'On My Bike' - receives standing ovation. 2016.
Chelsea Arts Club Summer Parade. Paisley X rides her 7 foot unicycle in Central London. 2016.
Pride's Got Talent , London. Two Solo Cabaret Acts in London where she was very well received. 2016. "I have seen Circus Performers worldwide - your show is right up there with La Clique ... a stage needs to be built just for you" - Judges for Pride's Got Talent.
Alnwick Castle for the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland and 'A' List Audience. A Collaborative highly exclusive Underground Alternative Cabaret Performance at the "Paisley X is an incredibly talented performer" - Annon Member of the 'A' List audience at Alnwick Castle.
'The London Sketch Club', (a Gentlemen's Only club) in Chelsea, London. A 24min Solo Spoken Word Gentleman Only Theatrical Performance titled 'Your Artist Muse'. This act is accompanied by a top class pianist, (annon). "Your show was extraordinary and I shall remember it for the rest of my life" (Gentleman member of the London Sketch Club).
'The Erotic Performance Artist of the Year Award' at Clapham Grand Theatre in London; Two Solo Erotic Performance Art Stage Shows at (performed for two years running).
The Brighton Festival. Main Stage of the Underbelly A 12min Solo Neo-Burlesque stage show for large audience called 'Tutu To Nude'. (Received a Standing Ovation.)
Madame Jojo's, Soho, London. A Bizarre Cabaret Show. "Your show was truly spectacular!" - Management of Madame Jojo's.
Opening Day of the Chelsea Flower Show. Two Contemporary Solo Dance Pieces choreographed by Paisley and performed for an 'A' List audience as well as world press/photographers. These dances were performed In Thomas Hoblyn's show garden, which was also adorned with a series of Copper Life Casts of Paisley's nude body in various positions. For details of the above event please take a look at the Life Cast
Paul Martin on the Battersea Barge. Performance Poetry/Cabaret Show.
The Chelsea Arts Club. A Neo-Burlesque/Bizarre Cabaret show titled 'Having A Ball' performed for the Summer Ball.
'The Guild of Erotic Artists'. A U.V. Erotica Performance Modelling Show.
'SubClub' in London. A Burlesque Unicycle Striptease.
'Tournament of Tease' at Bethnal Green Gentlemen's Club. An 8 mins Neo-Burlesque Performance.
Britain's Got Talent. A Unicycle Striptease for an audience of 3000 as well as Television Cameras. (Highly praised by Simon Cowell.)
Tim Woodward of Fetish Club 'Skin Two'. A 24 Min Solo Fetish Cabaret Performance Art Piece titled 'Here Comes The Bride'
'Skin Two Halloween Ball'. An 18 min Solo Fetish Cabaret Stage Show performed for the
'Fetish in London'. A 9 min Fetish Solo Bizarre Cabaret Act called 'On My Bike' performed in 4 inch platform boots on a 7 foot unicycle at a Xmas Party for "Your show is the best performance we have ever had" - Manager of the Fetish in London Event
Distinguished Private Gentlemen Only Events and underground High Profile (discreet) Bachelor Parties. Paisley also periodically performs an Underground Fetish/Erotica Solo Performance called 'The Paisley Xperience aka The PX Show'. These shows are 45mins in duration with two interludes. The PX Show incorporates Erotic Performance Art, Circus Skills, Drama, Play Acting and Fetishisms. Though these performances are sexually charged and highly erotic, they are always on a strictly 'No Touching or cameras Allowed' basis and offer 'Super Class Erotic Performance Art' of the highest calibre.

Paisley is extremely versatile and experienced as a performance artiste for all ages hence is able to stylize shows to suit particular audiences and events.
Paisley also continues to occasionally perform with her children's only alter ego called "Ingo the clown". Ingo is a well established classic white face clown character with over 20 years experience entertaining young children, (her preferred age group is from 0 to 7 years old.) Ingo mainly entertains the under-privileged now.
For more details please go to
Over the past few years Paisley has inadvertently become an exclusively Underground Entertainer hence performances are highly discreet and mainly performed on a 'No Cameras Allowed' basis. However, Paisley intends to perform some new versions of her famous Stage Show tall unicycle Striptease Performances called 'TuTu to Nude' and 'On My Bike' in various Variety Stage Shows and Festivals. Paisley is also presently taking steps to perform both her 25 min Theatrical Solo performance, 'Confessions of a Muse' as well as a new neo-burlesque top hat juggling performance to Theatres on an international scale.
Last but not least ... Paisley aka Gillian Black is presently in the process of joining an acting agency to pursue her passion for acting not just for live audiences but for the camera as well.
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